Editorial Complaints Policy

At CBD Newcastle, we strive to provide accurate, informative, and engaging content related to CBD and wellness. However, if you have a complaint or concern about any of our editorial content, we take such feedback seriously and are committed to addressing it in a fair and timely manner.

If you have an editorial complaint, please follow the process outlined below:

Contact Us:

Please contact us via email at [insert email address] with the subject line “Editorial Complaint.” Please provide as much detail as possible about your complaint, including the specific article or content in question, the nature of your concern, and any relevant evidence or information to support your claim.


We will thoroughly investigate your complaint and may request additional information or clarification from you, as well as review the relevant content and any applicable editorial policies or guidelines.


Once our investigation is complete, we will communicate the outcome to you via email or other appropriate means. If we determine that an error or omission has occurred, we will take appropriate steps to correct it, which may include issuing a correction or retraction, updating the content, or taking other corrective measures as necessary.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our investigation or resolution, you may request an appeal by contacting us again via email and providing additional information or evidence to support your appeal. We will review your appeal in a fair and impartial manner and provide a final decision.


We are committed to being transparent about our editorial complaints process and will maintain records of all complaints received, investigations conducted, and resolutions reached for internal purposes.

We appreciate your feedback and are dedicated to upholding the highest editorial standards in our content. We value our readers and strive to continuously improve our content and address any concerns that may arise. Thank you for your support of CBD Newcastle.